Everyday in the U.S. alone, online shopping packages travel about the same distance as going to the moon and back ...133,000 times. Online shopping has transformed retail. Unfortunately, it’s also impacting the environment, and not for the better. Having an order conveniently delivered to your doorstep is a major contributor to climate change.

That's why we work with EcoCart to offset our climate emissions. But what exactly does that mean? We sat down with the team at EcoCart to learn more about how our carbon offsets work — making your Wolven orders climate neutral.

Let's dive in...

So, why was EcoCart founded and what is your mission? 

EcoCart was founded with the mission to make the fight against climate change easy, affordable, and accessible for everyone. We’re leveraging the immense power of digital commerce as a force for good in the world and making the world a more habitable place for our families into the future.

Co-founders Dane Baker (CEO) and Peter Twomey (COO) previously started a sustainability-focused rental marketplace for outdoor adventure items, Toyroom (acquired by Rentus). The inspiration for EcoCart was born out of frustration with legacy complicated and expensive sustainability solutions they tried to implement. After Toyroom was acquired, Dane spent time venture investing and in Twitter's strategy group, and Peter worked in software private equity and ecommerce investment banking. The duo then rejoined forces in 2019 to start EcoCart out of a co-working space in San Francisco, which has now grown to become the #1 sustainable commerce solution with 25 employees around the world.

How does EcoCart help brands like Wolven tackle climate change? 

EcoCart helps brands measure their carbon footprints, and then offset that footprint by supporting verified carbon offset programs. Leveraging carbon offsets is one of the most immediate changes anyone can make to reduce their carbon footprint. Other changes and solutions often take time and capital to implement, so offsets offer a solution in the near term. 

Can you explain how EcoCart works?

EcoCart works by way of a proprietary algorithm that uses variables like package weight and distance traveled to calculate the amount of carbon that any given parcel will emit on it’s journey to your front door. Once that amount is determined, a proportionate amount is donated to verified carbon offsetting programs. This donation occurs at checkout, where the customer can see the  impact they are making and learn about the carbon offset project they are supporting. These programs work to actively reduce existing carbon in the atmosphere and prevent future carbon emissions. Projects include initiatives like forest protection, funding wind farms, and providing clean drinking water to families. All of EcoCart’s projects are rigorously vetted and verified according to the world's major carbon standards. As well, each project EcoCart supports follows the UN Goals for Sustainable Development, ensuring that they have elements of social good for the communities in which they take place. 

How does the work EcoCart is currently doing fit into how brands and businesses will prioritize sustainability moving forward? 

We view carbon offsetting as one, albeit important, part of the puzzle when it comes to sustainability and mitigating climate change. Offsetting should be leveraged as an additional tool to other sustainability initiatives for brands and individuals alike to reduce their carbon footprint. Carbon neutrality is quickly becoming table stakes for corporations and brands to reach, with many going climate positive, which means they reduce or offset more carbon than they produce. 

Let's have some fun, what facts can you share with us about your impact so far? 

Since our inception, EcoCart has been able to offset over 130,000,000 million pounds of carbon! That amount of carbon is hard to conceptualize, but that amount is equivalent to saving over 4,230,000 trees. We’ve only been able to accomplish this thanks to the thousands of brands that work with EcoCart to reduce their carbon footprint.

We know that everything we create has an impact, but that's why partnering with companies like EcoCart can help us move the needle in terms of the waste, pollution, and emissions caused by the fashion industry. 

Have more questions about our sustainability initiatives? Check out our 2022 Impact Report.


Written By: 

Amanda Lapham, Sustainability Manager, Wolven &
Mariah Shotts, Marketing Manager, EcoCart