Agne Bak

Working in this industry, we are constantly surrounded by beautiful and inspiring women. Agne Bak is one of those amazing souls we have worked with, and she has been a part of our wolfpack for a little while now. Many of our instagram posts were either taken by her, or are photos of her. She is multi-talented and can alternate from behind the camera to in front of the lens effortlessly. Her photography is enchanting and captivating, it makes you feel nostalgic for places you've never been with people you've never met. 
What first influenced you to get into photography?                                
I can't think of one event that sparked my interest, but I do remember using my parents old 5 megapixel camera to try and take "professional" photos, I still need to dig those up one day, but there's something about photography that keeps me going, it's always been a way to express myself and my ideas, I'm not always the best with my words but it's easy for me to speak through my work.

What are you working on this week?                                                
Other than working and moving into our new place, at the moment, if I'm not taking photos my mind is always active and thinking of ideas to one day come to life. Im currently working on something more personal, still deciding how I would like to release it but it's something I'm looking forward to continue working on and showing everyone (-;

Agne in the Cielo One Piece

What does your typical morning routine look like?
During the week I work 9-5 (for now) lol ... but I wake up around 7 turn on the espresso machine, drink a glass of water, make a quick(ish) breakfast or if I'm lucky my boyfriend(Jesse) will chef up something yummy for us. Then I'll get dressed, put on some light makeup and I'm out the door. During the weekend, even though I get excited about sleeping in, somehow I still wake up early, me and Jesse have been in the process of moving into our place so we've been painting and doing all that fun stuff. But once we get some free time I love to spend my time outdoors, already looking forward to summer to go surfing since now we're only 15 mins away from the beach.

How would you describe your style?
Boy oh boy, I'm not sure if I know how to. I like to capture raw moments and someone's real personality. I'm not big on trying to make someone "look" or "be" a certain way, just be you and thats what I'll capture. Apart from some product photography I do,I love to make work that's personal to me or to whoever I'm shooting. Although I feel that my digital and 35mm work is slightly different, once my scanner arrives I'll be able to share more of my 35mm photos which I feel are more "home-like" if that makes sense.

Jess in the Awakening One Piece and Agne in the Mística One Piece

If you had to chose one, what do you think is your spirit animal?
Hmmm, I think a cat. Not from the wild though, more like a home cat, they can grow attached to certain people even though naturally cats are really independent and are always on the move. There's something about cats that's always mysterious. They're more observant and quiet, but once they warm up to you, they're your best friend, I feel like that describes me almost perfectly.
How do you keep a clear and calm mind working in a creative field?
Being creative and taking photos is what keeps me clear and calm, if I'm feeling uninspired or just in a funk usually picking up my camera and just go out and take photos does the job. But if that doesn't do it or a photo job is stressing there's a handful of things I love to do like yoga, hiking, surfing or snowboarding, or just in general being outside and being active and feeling free. I know if I feel at all unbalanced I haven't been doing something that my body is used to and it's time to start paying attention to myself a bit more.
What is your favorite meal of all time?
I go through phases of craving certain foods and then I'll find something else, currently I'm loving different curry dishes but I'm a big fan of soup, esp when it's chilly but in the summer FRUIT. I can eat it all day everyday....Couldn't just think of one thing. 
As a photographer, what (or who) inspires your work?
I can't think of one person in general but there is inspiration all around me, my home, my family, my boyfriend, just life in general. Even when driving, whether it's through nature or city, life is always happening and that alone keeps my mind active and always inspired.

Agne finding balance and clarity in the Mandala Yoga Top and Leggings

If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would travel to?
Definitely somewhere with sandy beaches, warm water and delicious coconut and fruits, but also somewhere with historical places to see. One of my dreams has always been to just travel, take photos and help people all over the world, hopefully one day I can make that happen.

In the theme of Women Crush Wednesday, is there a particular woman that inspires you?
Not just one, but women in general. We are so strong and empowering, women inspire me everyday. Especially with everything going on right now, we're reminded everyday what women can do and that our voice is never silenced.

All smiles in the Cielo Suit

Head over to Agne's instagram and website to see her beautiful photography yourself and keep following her adventures! 

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