Here at Wolven, we are all about women empowering other women. With October being breast cancer awareness month, we wanted to bring you breast cancer basics to help you educate yourself and other women in your lives. Did you know that breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the U.S. annually? Scary, right? It doesn't have to be. With the use of the following information provided by, you can feel educated, empowered and confident to tackle this illness head-on.
What is Breast Cancer and how does it happen?
Just like any form of cancer, this illness occurs when a cell’s DNA is damaged. Although the exact cause of cancer is still unknown, scientists believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors play a huge part in the development of the disease. Genetic risk factors include a family history of cancer, dense breast tissue and abnormal, non-cancerous cell growth. Although these genetic risk factors are unavoidable, there are many ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer.
What can I control?Environmental risk factors include lack of physical activity, poor diet that is high in saturated fats and low in fruits and vegetables, excessive alcohol consumption, and being overweight/obese. The good news? You have the power of choice! You and only you can control the type of lifestyle you live. A healthy, active lifestyle not only means you can reduce your risk for breast cancer, but it will also lead to more self-confidence, clarity, and positivity- pretty sweet, right? For more tips on how to begin living a healthier lifestyle, stay tuned to the wolfpack blog!
What are the signs and symptoms?
Now that you know how you can take control of your health, let’s talk signs and symptoms. Ladies- it is time to get comfortable with our bodies. Being able to talk openly about our bodies is so, so crucial to feeling like the empowered goddess you are. Let’s get into it.
What to feel for:
- An increase in breast tenderness, lump in or near the breast/underarm area
- Change in skin texture, enlargement of pores (think orange peel texture)
What to look for:
- Change in breast shape or size
- Dimpling, swelling or shrinking- especially if only on one side
- Nipple turned inward or inverted
- Skin turns scaly, red or swollen (again, orange peel texture)
- Nipple discharge when not breastfeeding- clear or discharge

Graphic from
If you notice any of these signs and symptoms, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible- earlier detection saves lives. Be sure to share this blog post with all the beautiful women in your lives to keep your loved ones informed, empowered and confident.
About the author, Sarah Oliveras (@saraholiveras)
Living in the beautiful Pacific North West, Sarah is passionate about all things self-love, sustainability, and wellness. Earlier this year, she completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training and is now teaching at a few local studios. This aspiring actress is so stoked to be interning with Wolven Threads this fall season and can't wait to get creating! xo