We've delved into the astrological calendar and here are our predictions for July 2018 for each zodiac sun sign. An overall easier flow in communication throughout the month will help you work through certain areas in your life, which may be thrown into disarray toward the end of the month with Mercury going retrograde. Read on to find out what's in store for your zodiac this month.

Aries sun signs should remember to take the time to enjoy and have fun this month. You'll find it easy to get your point across and communicate your true desires with assertiveness. Your working life will be positive and you'll find it easy to make decisions in this regard. Aries signs should really make use of this assertiveness and think about how to make your dreams a reality. This may require a lot of working hard, but make sure you reserve time to have fun and not push yourself too hard.

Taurus sun signs will find themselves opening up to others and communicating their emotions to friends and family a little more than usual this month. Dream big, use this time to consider your working life and how it correlates with your true desires. You may find new opportunities opening up for you once you open up to the loved ones around you.
Geminis, you will thrive this month with your primary value sector of communication giving you the confidence to do something career-related that aligns with your life's mission and your true desires. Take the time to meditate and really work out what you want to voice to the world. Think about what your values and your strengths are and use them to your advantage. Ensure you are listening to yourself during this process, putting yourself forward and indulging in self-love. This may be an intense month for you, so allow yourself the time to process your emotions and desires.
This is your time! Cancerians may feel a boost of assertiveness and energy towards building financial and/or relationship success. This is the perfect time to make decisions and begin exciting new chapters in your life. You may find working with others will help create success. Despite the mercury retrograde toward the end of the month, your positive energy will help you stick with your motives and transform into next month.
Our dear Leo sun signs will be working hard behind the scenes and beginning to emit a beautiful radiance and self-assurance. This month will be loud, hard and fun, so enjoy your comfortable sense of self and your increased social life. It is important for you Leos to take a step back and really assess your daily routine. Are you happy with your circumstances? Is there anything you would change in the way you travel to work? Your beauty routine? The way you eat? Enlightenment is yours this month so channel your sense of empowerment to make changes in the areas that don’t satisfy you.
Virgos may have a strong pull to share feelings, heal past wounds or bring up things that don’t satisfy you. Refraining from being open with loved ones may be held against you. Delve into your connection with higher power and use your meditations to open your mind and understand your true potential, you may find great spiritual development this month.
Libras have been embracing a slightly more confident, expressive self as of late. You may find yourself broadening your vision and working on manifesting a long-term hope or dream of yours. Good family life and unconditional love will shower you, make sure you are open to working on healing any relationships that need healing and feel confident in letting those walls down.
Scorpios may devote their fantastic communication skills towards manifesting exactly what they want from their work life or career. This could mean pursuing a career that is related to your public image or independence. Embrace this super creative energy but watch out for conflict with others. If your work life seems satisfactory at the moment, focus on intimate relationships and healing within home or family life.
Our Saggi sun signs have a fabulous month ahead full of discovering and learning. Embrace new experiences like a sponge and soak it up for what its worth. You may find yourself beginning to understand something new on a spiritual level which will impact the way you communicate with others and could be turned into something valuable to you financially. You may feel less of a desire to work on your relationships and more of a desire to work on maximizing your potential and making money. Make sure that whatever financial goals you are setting reflect the things you care about, you'll find your true worth and add value to the world by keeping true to your values.
Capricorns may need to assess their relationships and whether expectations are being met. This can be related to authority figures, institutions or personal or family relationships. You may feel confident and a strong sense of self in standing up for what you believe in if you feel something, someone or a situation isn't satisfying you. You may gain insight into how you can begin working independently in some way, providing you financial freedom, leaving you feeling liberated. You will feel a pull in the right direction and a sense of assertiveness in working towards things you want to achieve.
You may find yourself with a higher energy in all aspects of your life this month. Your relationships both with your higher self and with those around you will be at the forefront of your mind. Heal those broken relationships around you by healing yourself first. Learn to balance the connection to your higher self and relationships with others by learning from your loved ones. Pick and choose your battles this month and learn to recognize when conflicts are worth fighting over.
Pisces sun signs may be pulled towards working on building an extremely satisfying daily life and a successful, healthy routine. Is there something in your life that doesn't serve you as well as it could? Take the time this month to work through this, you may find the answer to something that was originally unattainable. Watch out for people that could hinder your improvement, and listen to your gut about what makes you happy.


About The Author: Lauren Crabtree (@crabbypatty__)

Lauren is a passionately driven graphic and textile designer living in Sydney, Australia. Her work is driven by the desire for a better future, one that returns to a love for the handmade, and one that respects the impacts of textiles on mother nature.
Lauren loves to blog about creativity, sustainability, astrology, health, and wellbeing. She believes in the power of positivity and engages in a mindful, intentional life.
Lauren loves learning about new cultures and is particularly fascinated by traditional Indian textile processes and Indian culture.
Lauren loves to weave, crochet, eco-dye, screen print, block print, wrap, and macramé.

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