The Bali Body Work Out Plan

Sculpted abs brought to you by the beautiful @lis_who wearing the Blue Dream Crop Top & Sri Yantrify Bikini bottom. 

For the past two weeks, Wolven Threads has been exploring the rich forests of Bali, finding ways to stay active throughout our entire journey. From hiking up volcanic forested mountains to jumping off cliffs into the ocean, and practicing yoga, it is fair to say that a solid workout was able to be achieved during the trip.

Before we jump into some Bali body workouts, let's take a look at some helpful health hints to remember when traveling: 

  • Pack your own healthy snacks and research the local cuisine beforehand. This will not only allow you to eat healthy when you are waiting in places such as the airport but will keep you on a healthy track when staying in a particular location. When researching local cuisine, look for places that use fresh, local and raw ingredients. 
  • Bring a reusable water bottle wherever you go. Drinking water is one of the most important ways to keep your body healthy and functioning. In fact, drinking water can help to increase energy levels, improve skin complexion, promote weight loss and flushes out toxins from your body. 
  • Search for local yoga studios, parks, and beaches where you can take classes or perform simple yet effective workouts during your trip. *A list of vacation workouts are attached below. Remember even waking up and doing something as simple as stretching is beneficial to your body. Don't be so hard on yourself, building a healthy lifestyle takes plenty of time and practice. Start with stretching and then try applying some of the workouts into your routine.

Toning parts of your body takes time and practice. Our bodies do so much for us every single day, and it is so vital that we give them the attention they deserve even while we are on vacation. Like the beautiful and flexible @lis_who, start your vacation morning off right by getting a relaxing stretch in by the pool. Stretching can help to increase your range of motion, improve posture, increase your flexibility and provide stress release.  

Once you have stretched and given your body the chance to warm up, try incorporating these next few yoga poses or workouts into your next travel routine:  

  • Push Ups: You can do push ups anywhere using your body weight and strength to train and improve muscle definition. 
  • Glute Kick Backs: These are an excellent way to activate and warm up your glutes before you go on a long hike or bike ride while traveling. 
  • Planks: Holding a plank position can be done no matter where you are. Try holding five sets of 1-minute planks. To increase tone and definition in your abdominal, trying dipping your hips down to tone your obliques. 
  • Bicycle Crunches: Lying on the ground or the beautiful green grass of Bali, alternate your elbow to each knee and try to complete three sets of ten on each side. 

Along with completing workouts that are beneficial for maintaining and creating a healthier lifestyle, it is imperative to balance your emotional and mental needs as well. If you find yourself too busy with activities while traveling around the world, try incorporating yoga into each day instead. Below are some simple yoga poses that anyone can enjoy:

  • Downward Facing Dog: Start with your hands and knees on the floor, relax your upper back and push your hips up to the sky spreading your fingers wide and press up shifting your weight evenly throughout your body. From here you will press firmly through your palms and allow your heart to melt towards the ground. Move around in this position and warm up your body. This pose is a straightforward and efficient way to breathe and pause throughout your practice. 
  • Cat: Begin with your hands and knees on the floor, on the exhale, slowly round your spine up towards the ceiling. Imagine that you are pulling your belly button up towards your spine and engage your abs. 
  • Cow: After you have completed the cat motion of this pose, begin with your hands and knees on the floor, slowly inhale and arch your back and let your stomach relax. 
  • Standing Forward Fold: Exhale and bend your hips forward making sure to lengthen your torso nicely before bending down. From here let your head hang loosely letting toxins release from the crown of your head. Bend your elbows and hold onto each elbow with the opposite hand. You can now allow your head to hang in between your folded elbows and from here you can shake your head in a yes and no movement to get you ready for your next yoga practice. 

No matter where you are or what you are doing, you always have a choice to lead a healthier life. Tag us @wolventhreads in your fitness post sporting our gear! We cannot wait to see your progress and follow along with you. Remeber to take baby steps and be proud of your self for every achievement you make to imprve your health. 

Happy Friday loves, let's make it a healthy one! 

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