Wolven Sustainable Activewear Brand Ambassador of the month

Eden Marquis is our Wolf of the Month for December, and she embodies Wolven so well. She loves this brand and this community, and she is so excited to share everything Wolven with the world.

Where are you from, where do you live, and what do you do?

I’m originally from California and grew up in West Hollywood. I moved to Boulder, Colorado a few years ago for college and ended up moving here permanently during Covid. My family also moved to Denver during Covid because of all the lockdowns in LA. We wanted a place that we could still enjoy the outdoors and Colorado has so many beautiful hikes and scenery to explore. And since I graduated this year with my Bachelors in Accounting and Finance with a Leadership Minor I can finally relax for a bit, but I’m still working on becoming a certified public accountant — so I’ll be taking that in the summer. Aside from my degree and corporate job I’m also a blogger, social media influencer and a social media manager.

What led you to join the Wolfpack?

It was definitely a calling. Discovering Wolven and the amazing difference y’all are making inspired me to get more involved. Wolven offers super fun, comfy, and great quality pieces whenever I’m wearing my sets I feel so confident. When I realized that there was a Wolfpack, I was drawn to that network because it’s a great way to meet new like minded people and it’s so inclusive and judgement free. I love what Wolven stands for and how I feel representing the brand.

What’s the best part about being a Wolven Ambassador for you?

During Covid specifically, it’s been so special because I have been able to connect with other women, yogis, and creative people through the Wolven network and on social media. Wolven exudes creativity, sustainability, and confidence which makes it an easy conversation starter. Whenever I wear a piece from the collection I always get compliments. It makes me so proud and excited to share a brand I love especially if they yet to hear of Wolven. It’s also a judgement-free zone and everyone’s so friendly. I don’t feel like I have to be a certain way to fit in. For example, I love yoga and I practice yoga every day but I’m not an expert, and that’s okay. Wolven welcomes you as you are.

What is your favorite print and/or style?

The concept behind every design is so special that it’s hard to pick just one! But I’d have to say the Jasmine Crisscross Four-Way Top. I love how versatile it is with the four in one design. I also love the Zephyr Keyhole Top and design. The tops are definitely my go-to for yoga, lounging, and going out.

How does wearing Wolven make you feel?

Ahh, comfortable and confident. The material is so buttery soft. All the pieces are very creative and unique that I feel so special wearing them, and they fit so perfectly on many different body shapes. I truly just feel like myself, and I know that when I put on Wolven I’m unstoppable and can conquer anything.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability is something that I wish was talked about more. Growing up, I’d never really heard that word, and I grew up in California, where pollution is so detrimental. Sustainability is the present and the future. I’m so grateful for all the brands that have made it their life’s mission to produce eco-friendly products for the world. Nowadays, it’s something I look for in brands. Wolven is sustainable in many ways — even their packaging is more sustainable. It’s helped me to realize that sustainability is not just a trend, it’s a revolution. It has a huge impact on our future and creates a better environment for ourselves and those that will come after us.

When or where do you feel most connected to nature?

When I’m in nature there’s no denying the layer of tranquility that rushes over you. I’ll take off my shoes and walk barefoot on the ground when I can. I feel most connected to nature when I’m also appreciating the beauty of nature all around me. My advice is to put your desk by a window if you can. That is where my desk is and I love to take breaks in between work and just watch the wind flow through the trees, the snow melt on the mountains or the birds and squirrels running around. It’s so beautiful.

What inspires you?

Personally, positivity. Likeminded, determined, go-getter people that don’t let “no” stop them. Also, compassion, that’s something that I’ve been working on and will continue to spread. Life inspires me to stop and enjoy the little things. Taking a walk, a bath, and journaling inspires me to take time to think and process the day so it doesn’t stay internalized but can be released. Journaling has given me a better sense of who I am and has allowed me to have more confidence in myself in moments of doubt. I’d recommend journaling for everyone and it doesn’t have to be a whole process or take an hour. I’ve realized it can even be 3 minutes a day of just self-reflection.

How do you envision the future of our world?

I see a world that’s more compassionate and knowledgeable. With so much information at our fingertips we can learn so much more than prior generations, and as a result, I believe that our world is growing in a positive trajectory.

How do you create your content?

Surprisingly I actually take most of my own photos or my mother helps me. She’ll forever be my go-to, biggest supporter, and photographer. When it comes to the content I’m creating I don’t like to put too much pressure on myself because it takes the joy out of it. But being a perfectionist I still always have a vision I want to capture. I’ve just realized it doesn’t have to be Vogue to be amazing especially since that’s not what most of my followers want anyway, they want more relatable content. That’s why I’ve stayed on the more motivational and inspiring side of social media. My followers have definitely been more receptive to my positive mindset and energy I spread so I like to keep my social media pages and collaboration as authentic as possible. I make it a point to work with brands that align with my brand, so they also have that uplifting mantra.

Why should people join the Wolfpack?

This is easy. In a time where we are separated, the Wolfpack brings us together. Everyone should join and experience the Wolfpack. I have been connected to so many amazing women and men through the Wolfpack through our love of this company. I have met friends through the Wolfpack that I wouldn’t have met under normal circumstances. For example, I did a Wolven shoot with another ambassador that I met through the network, at the Brooklyn Bridge and it was the best experience ever. Wolven brought us together and has done the same for many more! My advice is to take advantage of what the Wolfpack has to offer, I continue to and I appreciate the Wolfpack so much.

Eden has taken full advantage of what the Wolfpack network has to offer, and she is a great example of what our Wolves take away from being a part of this community. Thank you @edenmarquis for being a shining beacon of the Wolven spirit.

The Wolfpack IRL

About the Author


Michaela Barrett is a South African living out her dream as a sophomore at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Her passions include hiking, yoga, photography, and anything that involves being outside. Her favorite place to be is reading a book on the beach on a cool summer’s day. She wants to save our beautiful planet so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come.

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