A Collective and Creative Lunar Eclipse in Leo

On January 31st, we are graced with the first eclipse of the new year, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 11° Leo. Lunar eclipses are like full moons on crack. They’re often emotionally turbulent and act as strong internal catalysts for change. Solar eclipses often bring on events outside of ourselves or our direct control, where lunar eclipses plant the idea of our next move through our thoughts and feelings about the current situation. This eclipse ties back to the Solar Eclipse of August 21st, 2017. Whatever actions or events that took place around August of last year are now beginning to bear fruit and may require some necessary adjustments.

Lunar eclipses are primarily active on an internal level, so take a good hard look around your inner landscape. Whatever hints are being revealed to you at this time likely hold the plan for your next step. This can be a strongly emotional time for everyone, so try to allow for space and patience with yourself and others. Our best judgement may not be employed at this time and it’s ideal to keep a light schedule as things can tend to become a little hectic. Eclipses can make us all a little wonky and feel a little crazy, as they usher in a period of rapid change and growth. 

Not all eclipses are created equal! Some pass by with little to no notice while others seem to usher in an entire new set of life circumstances. This is because in order for an eclipse to be specifically important to you, it needs to be activating a planet in your chart. For example, this eclipse degree occurs at 11° of the Leo/Aquarius axis. Look around your chart and see if any of your planets or points are around 10,11,12° degrees, for this indicates that there will be activity surrounding this planet. If on this go around nothing in your chart is particularly active, simply keep an eye on the houses that the eclipse is occurring in for you, wherever Leo/Aquarius falls.

This will still be an area of ongoing activity, though it may appear to be more subtle than if it were activating a planet. We’ve all been learning lessons from the Leo/Aquarius axis since last May. Leo and Aquarius themes represent: The individuals expression vs. The collectives expression, Personal Love vs. Detached Love, Spontaneous Creativity and Collective Creation. We’re learning to find our individual place in our society. We’re learning to surrender our personal egos to for greater good. We’re also bringing our personal creative vision into building the future world before us. This is what the Leo/Aquarius axis is all about.


Look below and read for your Rising Sign to see what areas of life will be activated by this eclipse for you! Don't know what your rising sign is? Head over to www.astro.com and make a free birth chart for yourself! Your rising sign is whatever sign is on the 1st house cusp of your chart!

Aries Rising- 5th/11th House activity- Romance, Creativity, Friendships, Groups, Self Expression.

Taurus Rising- 4th/10th House activity- Home, Family, Parents, Career, Reputation, Recognition

Gemini Rising- 3rd/9th House activity- Education, Siblings, Neighborhood, Mind, Spirituality, Religion, Travel

Cancer Rising- 2nd/8th House activity- Values, Income, Property, Finances, Loans, Debts, Inheritance

Leo Rising- 1st/7th House activity- Body, Self Image, Appearance, Relationships, One on Ones, Marriage

Virgo Rising-6th/12th House activity- Health, Employment, Coworkers, Employees, Solitude, Retreats, Restoration

Libra Rising- 5th/11th House activity- Romance, Creativity, Friendships, Groups, Self Expression.

Scorpio Rising- 4th/10th House activity- Home, Family, Parents, Career, Reputation, Recognition

Sagittarius Rising- 3rd/9th House activity- Education, Siblings, Neighborhood, Mind, Spirituality, Religion, Travel

Capricorn Rising- 2nd/8th House activity- Values, Income, Property, Finances, Loans, Debts, Inheritance

Aquarius Rising- 1st/7th House activity- Body, Self Image, Appearance, Relationships, One on Ones, Marriage

Pisces Rising- 6th/12th House activity- Health, Employment, Coworkers, Employees, Solitude, Retreats, Restoration

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