Wolf of the Month, Trish is staying in front of a mirror with one hand on her hip wearing sustainable activewear/yoga wear — Raina Reversible Four Way Top and Onyx Bell Bottoms

Our Wolf of the Month for February is Trish Taylor. Trish is a stellar ambassador, and always active in the Wolven community. She is passionate and creative in spreading the message of sustainability and sharing Wolven with the world.


Where are you from, where do you live, and what do you do?


I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada and am currently living close to Toronto City. I’m a Dental Receptionist/Assistant, Social Media Marketer by day, and sustainable fashionista by night.


What led you to join the Wolfpack?


My love for sustainable fashion, the ocean and animals. I love how Wolven is so invested in creating clothes that don’t harm the planet and everything/everyone in it — specifically, Wolven’s advocacy against plastic pollution and their creativity to make clothes using recycled plastic. The more I learned about Wolven’s ethics and values, I was certain I wanted to promote something that I believed in and knew others would love too.


What’s the best part about being a Wolven Ambassador for you?


Creating content/taking pictures with clothes I love to wear, and showing others they can still be fashionable without harming the planet.


What is your favorite print and/or style?


Hard to choose, but if I had to choose, the Onyx Bell Bottoms and Raina Four-Way Reversible Top.


How does wearing Wolven make you feel?


Confident and grounded. Confidence has not always been my strong suit. However, knowing I’m part of something bigger than myself makes me feel good on the inside, which in turn shows on the outside. Not to mention all Wolven’s clothes are unbelievably comfy and flattering, which are big factors in what I like to wear.


What does sustainability mean to you?


Ultimately, lowering my carbon footprint and being as conscious as I can with what I purchase and what I do. There’s so many little things everyone can do to live a more sustainable life to fight climate change, prevent extinction of species, and provide a better future for the next generations.


When or where do you feel most connected to nature?


Maybe it’s the Pisces in me but when I’m surrounded b y nature — specifically beaches and when I’m around animals. There’s something about hearing the water, breathing in fresh air, and being in water that makes me feel like, even though I’m a little fish in a big sea, I’m connected to Earth in a way that’s much deeper than when I’m in the city. I enjoy being around animals in nature who are not owned or in an enclosed space, but roaming freely like humans. That makes me feel the connection to Mother Nature.


What inspires you?


People, art, animals and music inspire me the most. This past year with not being able to connect in person with others, social media has played a big part in allowing me to see a lot of different people I may not have in person. Seeing everyones posts really inspires me. Seeing so much art and creativity in the world and seeing what someone else has created is always inspiring. Again, my love for animals inspires me as well because they bring such joy, innocence and curiosity into the world. Last but not least is music — all types of music has played a huge part of my life. I always felt connected to music in a deeper way than some people, so I draw inspiration from a song to picture or a picture to a song when I create something on social media, or even with paint. It sets a mood for an idea I may already have or creates a mood for something to attach it with.


How do you envision the future of our world?


I see the future as a kinder and more understanding one — a future with more environmental awareness and no racial injustice. For me, that future is today. At the least, I can try and help advocate and create that future, so it’s not far away.


How do you create your content?


I pretty much do everything on my phone, using different apps and putting different pictures together. I’m an artistic person at heart, which allows me to get creative with content for social media. To me, every post or story is like a little piece of art I created.


Why should people join the Wolfpack?


Each Wolfpack member is unique, but we all have a few things in common — love for the environment, being active, sustainability, fashion, and getting together to discuss it all. It’s hard these days to connect with others, and being part of the Wolfpack is a perfect way to have fun and get to know others with the same core values. The Wolfpack community is full of inspiring and supportive individuals who want to live a positive, more sustainable life and look good while doing it.

Trish is an active ambassador and always wows us with her creativity. Follow @seatrishglow to see all the beautiful ways Trish spreads Wolven's message of sustainability.

The Wolfpack IRL

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