WCW: Jess Haid

Our Woman Crush Wednesday this week is the beautiful, Jessica Haid. She is a radiant light on this earth. Jess is a talented actress & writer, a passionate activist, and avid animal lover. You can catch her on the big screen in the new movie, Nowhereland or keep up with her ever growing career on IMDB and instagram. Check out our interview below to see what a day in Jess' life is like! 
What's a typical morning look like for you? 
In the morning I hit snooze at least twice before I say THANK YOU hop up for some yoga flow and throw on some feel good jams! I wash up then dance around my kitchen whipping up my morning superfood shake, take my vitamins and enjoy a 15 minute jog with my pup!
Jess in the Awakening One Piece and Agne in the  Mística One Piece
What's the most recent project you finished?
My most recent project I have completed is writing the pilot and first 4 season story arc and outlines for a new potential series I've been dreaming up! 
What was the last meal you cooked?
The last thing I cooked was my favorite vegan Matcha banana pancakes with maple almond-cream and berries topped with cacao nibs. Eating them makes me extra happy because I throw Mucuna purines in the banana batter ;) 
If you had to pick one, what is your spirit animal?
My spirit Animal is a blue ring sun spotted octopus. 
What is your favorite place you've ever visited?
Sardinia, Italy
Jess in the Awakening One Piece and Agne in the M ística One Piece
What album do you have on repeat this week? 
NO DOUBT always. But this week it's been The Love Below by Outkast cuz of Valentine's Day hehe 
In the theme of WCW, is there a certain woman that inspires you?
Aside from my mothers I am most inspired by Amy Smart she is a close friend who has always been a bright warm guiding light in my life, because of her I am more spiritually connected I thank her for taking me to self realization fellowship and introducing me to Kundalini yoga so young :) She is love.
Jess in the Triangulate Yoga Top and Leggings

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