WCW: Nicole Kay Clark
Nomadic babe @NicoleKayClark in the Cielo swimsuit
This week's Woman Crush Wednesday brings you one of the wandering babes of TravelNomadOrWhat, Nicole Kay Clark. This babe spends her days roaming our beautiful Earth and creating some seriously fun and inspiring photos to share that showcase her killer style. You might not be able to catch up with her in her adventurous life, but you should follow along with her adventures and gush over her outfits. Find out more about this electrifying babe in our interview below!

Disco queen in the Cielo suit
Who's your ultimate style icon?
There are so many influential people in the fashion industry with so many unique perspectives and styles. It's practically impossible to choose one person as my fashion icon but if I had to choose I'd say that mine is Baddie Winkle. Not only does she march to the beach of her own drum with confidence but she doesn't seem to be letting age stop her either. You've got to respect anyone that can have fun while being fashionable, especially when they're someone's grandma! I hope I'm that cool when I get older.
What has been your favorite photoshoot you've done for Nomads?
Being a Nomad has taken me to some amazing locations but my favorite of all has been Puerto Rico! The island is referred to as, "The Island of Enchantment" and it definitely earned it's title. From secret jungle waterfalls to some of the most breathtaking blue tropical waters that I've ever seen, Puerto Rico stole my heart.
Do you have any future exciting projects you can share?
2017 has been a busy year! Outside of my travels as a Nomad with @TravelNomadOrWhat I recently launched an account called @CoolGirlConnection. I've been spending a decent amount of my energy focusing on this new endeavor. My goal is to connect and create content with creative females in the industry across the globe. I'm very thankful for the support that I've been receiving and am super exited about the projects that are coming up in the next few months with Cool Girl Connection. I'm hoping to have a solid board of babes by January 2018 so these next few months should be pretty busy with scouting and shooting!

@nicolekayclark rocking the high cut Cielo suit
What is your dream location for a lookbook shoot?
As a traveler I'm constantly searching for new locations to adventure! If I could go anywhere to shoot a lookbook right now I would choose The Museum of Ice Cream in Los Angeles. I wasn't able to get tickets in time and since the exhibit is only temporary I think that has to be #1 on my location list right now.
How did your career get to where it is now?
My career has been a weird one. I started modeling and acting in Florida when I was around 12 years old. By 14 I was on the reality TV show, Endurance (on Discovery Kids Channel). After the show my career kicked into high gear. I got signed by Ford Models in NY, LA and Miami and began focusing on modeling/acting. With the growth of social media I began to use my outlets to gain a following and in the process I ended up leaving my agencies to represent myself. As lame as it sound, my career wouldn't be where it is right now without Instagram.
What's your spirit animal and why?
My spirit animal is the hummingbird. Not only do they have a SERIOUS sweet tooth like I do but they're constantly going at full throttle and so am I. :)

@nicolekayclark shining like a goddess of the sky in the Cielo suit
What do you do to try and live a more sustainable lifestyle?
I live in Ocean Beach which is a picture perfect "hippie town" in San Diego, CA. Most of the people in my city are focused on living peaceful lives in coexistence with our planet. I'm proud to say that I, along with my neighbors help maintain our community garden and compost pile. By working together to grown food and turn trash to compost we are minimizing our carbon footprints.
In the theme of WCW is there a certain woman who inspires you?
Since the theme is WCW I have to end this interview with a shoutout to my WCW, Sophia Amoruso. I can't think of anyone more deserving of the title, she is the ULTIMATE GIRL BOSS! If you haven't read her book then make a mixed drink, sit down and get started!