Women Crush Wednesday: Natascha Elisa

This week's Woman Crush Wednesday brings you the equally beautiful and compassionate babe, Natascha Elisa. She has created her own vegan recipe blog called Clean Cooking Recipes that offers some of the tastiest plant based recipes to nourish yourself from the inside out. Natascha is also the co-founder of Models of Compassion, an organization that brings together beautiful ladies around the world to have a positive impact on our planet. Keep reading to find out more about this lovely lady!

Natascha (left) in the Transcendence One Piece with friend Kendall in the Cielo Suit

Could you tell us some more about MOC?
Our organization Models of Compassion (MOC) brings together role models and social influencers to volunteer, raise awareness and educate others about important causes related to children, animals and the environment! 
What inspires you each day?
This wonderful world! The sunrise, the sunset, the sunshine, the moon, the sky, trees, flowers, the waves of the ocean this is inspiration in everything that surrounds us! 
What is your absolute favorite vegan meal to make?
This is a hard one - I love cooking so much I made a blog full of vegan recipes! (cleancookingrecipes.com / @cleancooking) 
I love making these Raw Veggie Summer Rolls:
or this Tropical Smoothie Bowl

Natascha and her roomie matching in the Transcendence and Cielo suits

Where are you planning on traveling to next?
Arizona! I'm so excited to explore more of the USA!
With how exciting and busy your life seems, how do you make sure you stay balanced each day?
Eating healthy, organic, plant-based food, drinking plenty of water, having some "me" time once a week (by swimming the ocean, painting, taking a walk or having a good stretch) 
What's your spirit animal & why?
A dolphin! They love swimming, jumping and playing in the ocean, the are social beings and they love traveling long distances! 

Girl gang rocks the Transcendence and Cielo suits 

What is the one thing you have always wanted to do, but haven't yet?
Travel to Africa!
What music festivals do you plan on hitting this year?
Lucidity Festival this weekend, Lightning In a Bottle Festival next month! 

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