Wolven Climate Action Sustainable Active Swim Yoga Wear

We try to structure our business around sustainability, from production to packaging to distribution. For those curious about our efforts, here are some details of our initiatives.


We use Recycled PET Fabrics. Here is why it is important:

An estimated 14 billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean annually, 80 percent of which is a form of plastic that is killing marine life and damaging delicate ecosystems. Since plastics are indestructible, it’s vital that we find ways to reuse them—so we’re giving that plastic bottle a second life while substantially reducing carbon emissions.

We use Carbon Neutral Modal Fabric. Beech trees propagate and regenerate naturally, so no artificial irrigation or planting is required—making beechwood forests a completely natural and more sustainable source of raw material. These carbon-neutral fibers require no toxic pesticides, no clear-cut farm land to grow, and substantially less water than cotton. Win-win.


In order to offset any carbon that we may emit into the environment through methods such as delivery, Wolven purchased carbon credits to reduce emissions and provide other benefits such as establishing new income sources and conserving biodiversity.

1. The Blandin Native American Hardwoods Conservation & Carbon Sequestration Project , Minnesota, USA. This project provides water quality protection and conserves wildlife habitats for rare species such as the golden winged warbler and a wide variety of other mammals in the region including black bears, moose, and grey wolves.

2. The Greater New Bedford Landfill Gas Utilization Project , Massachusetts, USA . The Greater New Bedford LFG project involves installing gas collection systems to prevent harmful methane emissions from entering the atmosphere.

3. Envira Amazonia Project , Acre, Brazil. Envira Amazonia is protecting and conserving nearly 500,000 acres of tropical rainforests in Northern Brazil. By maintaining carbon sinks in the region, the project is achieving a variety of co-benefits such as preserving biodiversity, preventing erosion, and supporting a range of community development initiatives.

Still, you may wonder: is offsetting just an easy way out for companies that pollute?

No — it’s never about either/or. The fact is that protecting our planet is becoming more and more urgent, and we find it necessary to do as much as possible to help both through our internal practices as well as external offsetting. We believe that all companies should reduce as much as they can internally, but offsetting unavoidable emissions is an additional step to ensure that we are being proactive about carbon-reducing projects. 

The Wolfpack IRL

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