Music festivals are infamously known to create a lot of waste. Thankfully, more and more festivals have started to implement sustainable practices. Lightning In A Bottle (LIB) has gone above and beyond to make a conscious effort to incorporate its festival goers with a green experience all while enjoying the sounds of world-renowned DJs.  Here are some tips to have a positive and eco-friendly time camping stay at Lightning In A Bottle.

Waste Containers:
A great way to correctly dispose of your waste is to have designated rubbish bins. Using a reusable tote or bin is an easy way to make dumping your waste secure and convenient. LIB has designated bins for landfill waste, recyclables, and compost. If you dispose of trash properly, you will be taking a step towards preserving our ecosystem and making a conscious effort not to harm our environment. Pro tip: skip single-use containers and remember to pack in and pack out trash left at your campsite.

Solar Energy:
A great way of skipping electrical products is to find some that use solar energy. Items like solar powered speakers, lights, and phone chargers are great alternatives to battery-powered objects. Solar energy is abundant in the summer months and easily accessible to charge up those products.

Designing your campsite is a great way to add some pizzazz to your camping experience. Before shopping for cool accessories, check what you have at home. You will be surprised at the amount of stuff you can find laying around your house to spruce up your campsite. If you are looking for something in particular, make sure to check your local thrift stores. Used items are a great way to cut down on waste and give a used item some new love.

Cutlery & Food Storage:
Purchasing reusable cutlery and bringing healthy food in reusable containers is essential for festival-goers who are looking to save money and eat healthily.  If you are going to bring produce like apples or oranges, go out of the way to use your reusable produce bags. If you are packing in food, bring it in reusable containers like Stasher Bags or reusable mason jars that you can wash and bring home after the festival.  Invest in reusable silverware that is compact enough to fit in a fanny pack, we love To-Go Ware's bamboo cutlery. Every little effort to make cutting down on plastic or excess waste makes a huge difference to our environment.

These camping tips also come in handy for regular camping trips as well. It is imperative that we collectively make an initiative to better our planet. It is our only home. Music festivals like LIB are consciously making an effort to aid our mother Earth before it is too late. 

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