Rising From the Ashes: August 2018 Horoscopes

Rising From the Ashes: August 2018 Horoscopes

Wow! We've made it to August baby!! Its been a very intense last few months… lots of eclipses, and many planets in retrograde. However, it's all coming to an end very soon, and this will be the last intense month of the year. This also means it’s the last month to make those big changes, transform, do something amazing and set our lives on the right path!
Communication is Key: July 2018 Horoscopes

Communication is Key: July 2018 Horoscopes

We've delved into the astrological calendar and here are our predictions for July 2018 for each zodiac sun sign. An overall easier flow in communication throughout the month will help you work through certain areas in your life, which may be thrown into disarray toward the end of the month with Mercury going retrograde. Read on to find out what's in store for your zodiac this month.
The Dream Journey: A Full Moon in Sagittarius

The Dream Journey: A Full Moon in Sagittarius

A warm and vibrant full moon graces us in the sign of Sagittarius on May 29th, heightening our desire to feed our wanderlust and to express our individual freedom. The energy of this full moon is comparatively more fun and boisterous than last month’s insular and emotionally penetrating Scorpio full moon. Sagittarius is interested in self-expression, social reform, and personal freedom.
A New 7 Year Story : The New Moon in Taurus

A New 7 Year Story : The New Moon in Taurus

Taurus new moons are usually rather tranquil, concerning us with setting intentions around our more practical, sensate, and material needs. We may feel the need to create new ideas on how to bring in more money or better manage our finances, as the Taurus mentality is tied up with money as a form of security!
Taurus Time: Returning to Nature

Taurus Time: Returning to Nature

Now, as we move into Taurus season, we seek to build a foundation that will support the lofty goals that we’ve been envisioning. Taurus season is ruled by the proprietor of beauty, Venus, who sees that the fragrant flowers bloom with color and that nature begins to thrive, fervent and green.

Purify and Persist : Today's Sun, Venus, Pluto Conjunction

Purify and Persist : Today's Sun, Venus, Pluto Conjunction

Today’s rare and intense Sun, Venus, Pluto conjunction can feel a little bit like a tightening vice grip. The Sun is flanked on one side by transformational Pluto, and on the other by relationship-oriented Venus. The pressure is on to dig deep into our hearts and shake the hands of acceptance and responsibility for our own journeys. Any authority figures looming over us that inhibit our truest expression of self becomes absolutely unbearable today. We must surrender to the intensity of this energy and ultimately allow for something false about our lives and our stories to die.